6 Stupid Bodybuilding Myths Too Many Guys Believe
Raw eggs for muscle mass? Inner chest workouts? Fast muscle loss? Let’s clear all those shoddy bodybuilding myths up for good!
Drinking Raw Eggs
My hunch is that this myth started with the movie Rocky, where the title character goes for a run, comes home, breaks four or five eggs into a glass and downs them.
Already Eugen Sandow a century earlier knew that drinking raw eggs is worthless.
Fast Muscle Loss
One week not working out and your gains of half a year will be gone? Yeah, right!
Inner Chest Workouts
You find dozens of workout “experts” telling you it’s possible to target the inner area of your chest muscles. All they demonstrate is a basic lack of knowledge about human physiology.
Cardio Burning Muscle
It’s the prime excuse for a gazillion guys who hate the thought of doing their cardio: it burns muscle. Here’s how unlikely that is!
No Pain, No Gain
There’s soreness, and there’s pain. The latter is a shortcut to ending your bodybuilding career way before it ever got off the ground!
No Soreness, No Muscle
Did we just mention soreness? Yes, and I hope you aren’t among the guys who believe that the absence of soreness means you didn’t train your muscles right!
What’s Really Important
Forget about all these. Instead check the three factors that really count in building muscle. They are the ones that make or break your workout success!
You forgot “a night of drinking = undoing 2 weeks progress!” 😀
Of course! 😀