Bigger Biceps Bonanza
Are you looking to get a bigger biceps and show off those guns? These home exercises do the trick!
What do those do on here? Isn’t that a back exercise? Yes, but for beginners it’s also a good biceps exercise, because it makes the biceps work along. When you do chin-ups (pull-ups with the hands facing you), the biceps involvement gets even bigger.
In addition, pull-ups / chin-ups also work the muscles of the forearms, giving you a well-rounded look on your arms.
Dumbbell Curls
On to a real biceps isolation. When you left the beginner stage and your biceps aren’t getting bigger, this is the #1 exercise to go for!
The rotation at the bottom of the movement gives the forearms more involvement. You can leave it out and let the hands face away from you, like with the barbell-style below, but I prefer to do it with the rotation. It’s more bang for the buck in one exercise. When I want to do it like with a barbell, I use the barbell.
Barbell Curls
This big boy you should get out when you need more weight than you can put on dumbbells or are tired of dumbbell curls. Don’t wonder when you can do less weight on barbell curls than on dumbbell curls the first time you try. If the dumbbell curls are a biceps isolation, barbell curls are a biceps isolation squared!
Hammer Curls
With hammer curls you keep the hands in the position they are at at the bottom of the regular dumbbell curl. This means more involvement from the forearms and less work for the biceps. It makes hammer curls a great finisher after doing biceps isolations.
Reverse Barbell Curl
Similar involvement you get from the forearms when you do reverse barbell curls. Just don’t get wrong ideas. I know the bar looks long and empty with smaller weights. But it’s your forearms you are targeting here and the biceps just synergists along!
Don’t Just Train Your Arms!
Gyms are full of guys with arms that look like they were designed to become thighs and chests more at home on chicken. Don’t be like them! Give your arms loving care, but aim at a “complete” physique! It’s easy to accomplish!
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