Concentration Curls For Bigger Arms
Everybody trains biceps, some train biceps and triceps, but did you know that including the brachialis muscle in your training can round out the look of your upper arms? Here is to concentration curls!
Concentration Curls
I have no idea who came up with the name for the exercise, but it probably got its name from the pose you are in when you do it, because you sit down and look, uh, like you ponder making the world better.
Well, what you are really trying to do with it is make your arms look better:
Concentrating For the Finish Line
As I said in the video (I’m a bit a broken record, aren’t I), the concentration curl concentrates (pun intended) on the brachialis. That makes it an ideal finisher for your arm training. Or, in other words, do your compounds and / or biceps isolation exercise, then do the concentration curl.
It’s Not A Biceps Exercise
Despite what many, many workout and bodybuilding websites and coaches claim, the concentration curl is not a biceps exercise. Sure, the biceps works along as a synergist, but the main target is the brachialis. It’s practically the opposite of the dumbbell curl, where the biceps is the target muscle and the brachialis the synergist.
Funny that you showed this move today – I was just telling someone that no matter how hard I work my arms I never feel like I have much definition. Maybe I need to add in more concentration curls!!!
It could indeed make a difference!
Great!! Today is a back and biceps day so I will add this, thanks!!
Hope it works great for you! 🙂
with ref to the mechanics of this exercise how does it target the brachialis? i mean ur arms are almost comletely supinated so the biceps should be the prime mover?right?
When the elbow is before the plane of the body, the biceps gets shortened and the brachialis takes over. Same principle as with the preacher curl.
thanks ..didnt know that…where did u learn about kinesiology?? i usually surf through exrx and they had no mention of this there? 🙁 any good websites/books to learn more about it u can advice? 🙂
I found these books useful:
thanks 🙂