Could This Plateau Breaker Work For You Too?
Sometimes you need to sneak up on the exercise you plateaued on.
The Sneaky Plateau-Breaker
All those plateau-breaking methods I discussed over here involve doing something with the exercise you’re stuck at.
Yet there is another, indirect method of getting the plateaued exercise unstuck. I’m not even sure we can qualify this as a true plateau-breaker.
For me, however, it sometimes works better than the direct approach.
Fast-Twitch What?
Explaining this I threw around the term “fast-twitch muscle fibers.” For a more in-depth explanation of those (and their slow-twitch relatives) have a look at this older video of mine:
Yes, this video is back from the days when I thought I could get studio-quality lighting with an additional $10 lamp from the local home improvement store.
Today I have more lamps …and still crappy lighting.
Your First Exercise Loses
As I said in the video, this of course only works when the exercise you’re stuck on isn’t the first one in your workout schedule. If you’ve run into problems with that most crucial exercise, go for one of the methods I linked above.
Great advice! Your lighting comments nmade me laugh