How To Train Rear Delts With Dumbbell Rows
The rear delts: often disregarded, but oh so important for shoulder stability. Why not train them with a nice compound like the dumbbell rear delt row?
Rear Delt Rows With Dumbbells
Back when I started working out, I made the same mistake as many others: I never thought about my rear delts, that small muscle nobody looks at.
Then I learned overlooked doesn’t mean not important. When I first did pullovers, the pain was bad, because during that exercise, the rear delts play an important role as a stabilizer. And mine were completely underdeveloped.
If your rear delt is that much behind, it’s a good idea to target it with an isolation like the rear delt raise. But if it’s up to par, you better train it with a nice compound, that takes some other muscles along with it. Here’s the rear delt row, that targets the muscle it’s named after, but also involves the rotary cuff, the side delts, the upper back and the forearms:
Strict Execution, Ladies And Gentlemen!
When I said do them in good form, I wasn’t joking. It’s easy to kid yourself into thinking you can use a lot of weight on rear delt rows, but actually turned them into regular dumbbell rows. Keep the arm at 90° and the upper body still, and then check how much weight you can use!
Hi Evil, another way is by holding the weight in supination you can also use more weight and work the rear delt as “Jim Cordova’s way” , very very good for rear delt too see => @2:50 one of the best shoulder routine, see ya stay safe, Vince.
Hey Vince, thank you! That one I’m going to try!