Give Your Biceps A New Twist With Drag Curls
If the same old biceps isolations don’t cut it for you anymore you’ll benefit from drag curls.
Drag Those Barbell Curls!
If you are like me or most people training at home, you always go back and forth between two biceps isolation exercises: the trusty barbell curls and the reliable dumbbells curls.
But at some point they become boring. Or they stop doing much for you. What then if you still want a biceps isolation?
Let me introduce you to drag curls. Reader, drag curls, drag curls, reader:
If you are doing my intermediate plan then these are an excellent exercise to replace the regular curls with.
Did We Mention Shoulders?
Yes, we did. And there’s something important in connection with them: watch how your shoulders get along with drag curls. If you get shoulder problems, then they aren’t for you. If you still want to keep them, ease the front and rear shoulder work elsewhere in your workout schedule.
Oh – those look tough – I’ve never tried them but will soon!!!
They are difficult, including the conscious effort of keeping the barbell close to the body.
I think this would also be useful for people with back problems.