Home Cardio Exercises On The Cheap
So you want to do home cardio exercises, but without any expensive machinery? Here are four cardiovascular activities that require nothing but your body and yet are really challenging!
Home Cardio Exercises
The are numerous reasons why people want to do their cardio at home.
Some feel too self-conscious to do it outside. Others don’t live in a neighbourhood where it’s safe. A third group has to stay indoors during fall and winter because roads and paths are slippery or covered with 10 inches of snow.
Thinking then goes toward stationary bikes or treadmills. But not everyone has the room or shell out $500 to $1,000 for a good one.
Does all that mean you can’t do cardio? No, because cardio is anything that gets your heart rate to 50 to 75 percent of your maximum. We can achieve that with no equipment at all:
Jumping Rope
One home cardio method I didn’t show you in the video is jumping rope, as of course it requires that bit of equipment: a jump rope. Ok, in reality I didn’t show it in the video because I completely lack the talent for jumping rope.
If you are less coordinationally challenged than I am, here is a nice video explaining a ten minute jump rope workout:
Take. It. Easy.
Once more: many people try to do all these as fast as they can, because that’s what they saw a pro do in a video or movie. But you aren’t Rocky, trying to subdue the Soviet Union with your fists alone.
Start at an easy, sustainable speed to get a feel for these exercises. Only when you can do that medium to low intensity for 30 minutes straight, you should make things a little faster.
Don’t Forget Strength!
Cardiovascular fitness is only one half of the equation that makes up a fit and healthy body; strength is the other! And just as with cardio, you can build muscle without weights!
I wish you would have demoed jump rope – I’m sure you are better than you give yourself credit for!!!
And – I have a fun variation of the burpee on tap for tomorrow!!!
I tried, oh, I tried, but my legs can never agree with the rope where the other should be 🙂
I’ve never been good at indoor cardio! It’s probably due to lack of patience. I’ve either used treadmills, stairmasters or put my regular bike on an inexpensive machine for the back tire designed for indoor use.
I have a friend that can jump rope for thirty minutes easy! We have conversations while he jumps. I can jump rope, but not like that!