How To Do More Pull-Ups
You are for a long time stuck on four, five, maybe six reps, and wonder how to do more pull-ups? Here are three powerful techniques you can use to break through the plateau.
Forced Negatives And A Simple Secret
The first technique is called “negatives”, where you only do the portion of the pull-up where you lower yourself. The second is called “forced negatives”, which works like negatives, but you use weights to increase the resistance you work against. The third technique is the best and simplest of all and worked wonders for many a trainee:
Picture courtesy of Thomas R. Stegelmann.
Haven’t watched the video, but have your ever used Greasing the Groove.
It does wonders for upping pullup numbers.
I know about the technique, but for me personally it would leave too little room for letting the muscles recuperate.
Muscles will easily recuperate as long you’re not going to failure. Just eat and sleep enough.
I prefer forced negatives as well. I’ve had great results using the method with clients.