How To Get Six Pack Abs
Here is how to get six-pack abs without buying anything. All you need is determination!
SixPack Abs – For Free
When I posted a video about why you shouldn’t get six-pack abs, I sure raised some controversy. But for those of you that really want those washboard abs, I’m giving the secret away for free.
It’s very simple and there is no reason to pay money to learn the entire principle.
Of course, “simple” doesn’t mean “easy”, but you definitely can do it, if you are determined and follow these steps:
so true about needing to work ab muscles i would of said you should work them to often in the video but you have said that in previous videos about it, also i don’t think you need to go as low as 5-7%bf to get them if you have stronger ab and core muscles, but it does depend on the person
Cool hair color! nice! And thanks for brief but well elaborated video.
For men, less than 10% and ideally around 5-7% is the number.
I’m wondering there’s a number for women? I know not many women want six pack abs and so many men dislike even the idea of women having them.
Maybe I have to make a video myself?
What about you, evilcyber. Do you dislike women with 6 pack abs???
Thank you for the compliment!
I haven’t heard from you in ages, or at least at a time where it was crucial 😉
Yoko, abs on a female are great. They show to me that you are interested in fitness (which means we have something in common) and it means your in good health so I’d want to be with you more over a fat girl. Maybe full blown abs are too much but if you have light abs then I don’t think many men would find them unattractive.
Anyways, good video Evil. I really like your videos because you speak the truth. I agreed with your last video though that abs aren’t needed. I much prefer to focus on building muscle and being able to eat a healthy amount. I wouldn’t be able to keep them anyways. 12% bodyfat is perfect for me!
Keep up the good work!
Evil, I maked some photos of my result, and the result I want so could I send u the pic on fb?
Hey Evil,
The third video link in your video that deals with the nutrition needed for six pack abs is not working. When I click on the link youtube opens a window saying that the video is unavailable. Could you please help me out? Thanks!
Hey Evil,
The third link in your video which deals with the nutrition needed for six pack abs is not working. When I click on the link, youtube leads me to a window that says the video is unavailable. Could you please help me out? Thanks!
Thanks for letting me know!
Did you fixed it?