Lat Leverage: 3 Home Back Exercises You Should Do
You have done pull-ups, you have done rows and your back needs something different. Let’s put a twist into all these and get back to back with your back!
Reverse Barbell Rows
Regular rows are a general back exercise that trains the traps, rhomboids, lats, delts, infraspinatus and a lot more.
But when I want extra lat work from them, I use an underhand grip. You’ll immediately feel the difference!
Close-Grip T-Bar Rows
T-bar rows you usually only see done at a gym and with the help of machine. But we can improvise!
The close grip puts more stress on the lats than the wide grip you see on the t-bar machine. Yes, even more than on the close-grip t-bar machine.
Towel Pull-Ups
These make for a nice finisher after you do the above, because towel pull-ups are as much a back as a forearm exercise!
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