The Bro Science Is Strong In These!
Fiction vs. facts: the eight worst pieces of bro science and the arguments to smash them to bits with!
“Bro Science”?
You never heard the term? Here is how the Urban Dictionary defines it:
Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible than scientific research.
I might add that some jacked dudes twist scientific research to support their theories, in hope that no one ever looks up the actual papers.
Here are my favorite eight bro science theories. I did videos on all of them, so you just sit back and watch them nicely relaxed. Just don’t forget you need your 23.5 g of BCAA within 43.1 minutes if we have a full moon today!
No Soreness, No Muscle
Cardio Burns Muscle
Muscle Memory At Work
Training The Inner Chest
Muscle Confusion For Maximum Results
Muscle Burns Lots Of Fat
Raw Eggs Make Bigger Muscles
Targeting The Lower Abs
Will Reason Prevail?
These should give you some pretty arguments next time you encounter one of those workout “experts.” If you actually feel inclined to argue with them. In my experience it’s more enjoyable to reason with a wall.
Picture courtesy of “Noodles and Beef“.
i m educated by EVILCYBER school of information 🙂
always thank you for such good stuff.
Thank your for the praise! 🙂
hi Freddie! I m watching the video “Raw Eggs Make Bigger Muscles” and you explained about cholesterol as well.
I was watching another video on youtube and it said that Cholesterol helps in making Testosterone which ultimately helps in improving muscles.
so my question is that would not it be good to take cholesterol even from eggs to boost testosterone level??
Very good question!
A lot of the studies I read on this subject compared people with very low cholesterol in their diets with those who had a normal amount. Between those groups there was a difference. I’m not sure if the same would be true for eating a lot of cholesterol instead of the normal amount.
I’d say if you eat a regular diet with a good mixture of cholesterol sources you produce as much testosterone as is good for you.
and another question about the LOWER ABs video…
if we work on upper abs (the exercises which are supposed to work for upper abs) will it also help in making lower abs as well as it is one muscle???
Yep, it’s the same in both directions! 🙂
thank you for clearing my confusions 🙂