The Ultimate 33 Facts About Teen Bodybuilding Revealed
Here is the ultimate one-stop list to everything you need to know about teen bodybuilding. Handy, precise and all-encompassing.
The Ultimate List: Teens And Bodybuilding!
1. You don’t need any equipment to start.
2. Neither a gym membership.
3. A full-body body weight workout plan gets you on the road.
4. Doing “pro” routines ends in injury or overtraining.
5. It takes about 6 months of steady training to get noticeable results.
6. Most teens give up because their goals are unrealistic.
7. But there are no secret ways to “gain muscle fast.”
8. You are old enough when you reach puberty.
9. Before that your body lacks hormones to build that much muscle.
10. If your parents object, show them this.
11. You need protein because it’s the muscles’ building blocks.
12. You can get protein from powders, but also simply from your nutrition.
13. 1 g per lb of body weight is the maximum required.
14. More than that is just gym lore.
15. But ideal bodybuilding nutrition is more than protein.
16. Don’t stress the six meals per day rule, it’s just a myth.
17. Here is a complete weekly nutrition plan.
18. If your nutrition at home sucks, make use of the school cafeteria.
19. Most supplements are a waste of money.
20. Some are dangerous especially for teens.
21. Weightlifting doesn’t stunt your growth.
22. What can stunt growth is weightlifting and using steroids.
23. Because it can make your body think it’s already grown up.
24. Cardio makes you better at strength training.
25. You don’t even have to go outside for cardio.
26. Lifting weights doesn’t magically make you lose weight.
27. You only lose weight when you eat fewer calories than you burn.
28. Real gynecomastia goes away by itself.
29. You aren’t a “hardgainer” simply because you are skinny.
30. If you lean toward the ectomorph type, follow these tips.
31. The GOMAD approach makes you gain weight, but not more muscle.
31. When you left the beginner stage and train at home, do this plan.
32. Buy the weights second-hand or build your own.
33. You look taller and your chest better by practicing your posture.
Picture courtesy of Emmet Tullos.
1 Comment
My 13 year old wants to get serious about weights – I told him we would start going to the gym more often (even though he can work out at home!!).