Triceps Extensions
Triceps extensions are a neat little triceps isolation exercise that singles out the triceps pretty well. Here is how you can do it correctly and safely at home.
The Triceps Extension
Triceps extensions are another exercise that I personally enjoy immensely, as I feel they target my triceps pretty well. All you need for them is a dumbbell which you hold on one end with hands facing away from you and then raise and lower it behind your head:
Standing Vs. Sitting
As I said in the video, it makes little difference for the effectivity of the exercise if you do it sitting or standing. It’s just a personal quirk of mine to do it standing.
Beware Of Muscular Asymmetry
If you watched my video on muscular asymmetry, then you probably already reasoned that the triceps extension is one of those exercises where the weaker side gets help from the stronger, because both hold the same weight.
If you have problems with triceps asymmetry, you should therefore rather go for an exercise that lets them work independently. Kickbacks are one that comes to mind.
I did today! 🙂 Along with other goodies!
Excellent! 🙂
I love most of the tricep exercises! They always make me feel so STRONG!
You *are* strong, Lisa! 🙂