The Simple Trick To Correct Rep Speed
Do you do your reps at the right speed, to get the maximum effect out of them? With this simple trick you can make sure.
Physics 101
You have seen it: guys doing their reps at a speed that turns dumbbells into ballistic missiles. On the way up they use momentum, on the way down they let the weight drop. It’s as if they don’t want to train themselves, but play spotter to Earth’s gravitational field.
Doing it right is very simple. Simply hold a two second count, where a second really is a second. Just going “one, two” won’t work:
Suddenly The Dumbbell Is Heavy!
As I said in the video, you might notice that the weight seems much heavier using it this way. That’s a sure sign of you having cheated yourself before. Use the weight where you can go this slow and still do your reps in good form!
Picture courtesy of William Warby.
OR us guitar players can just run our metronomes. 😀
Hahaha, I love that! 😀
^ that’s what I thought he was going to say :D. Frank Zane actually goes as far as to recommend that, if I remember right.
According to a comment I received on Facebook, recording the ticking of a clock works as well.
Honestly, this is stuff more creative than what I came up with 🙂
My gym really emphasizes lifting slower and making sure we pay attention to the negative part of the lift. I’ve noticed much better results because of that!
Good gym! 🙂