Do Your Workouts Damage Your Teeth?
You know the feeling: you do the last benchpress rep, it takes all you got, you heavily inhale, command your muscles to go through with that final effort and… clench your teeth. For your teeth, that often results in more pressure than lifting a 200 lbs barbell.
Most Of Us Do it
Visit a gym, watch a workout a video and chances are you’ll see tons of examples of teeth clenching. It happens so often, we almost take it as a natural thing to do when we work out. But in the long run, it can wreak total havoc on your teeth:
Simple Measures, Great Effect
As said in the video, it’s rather easy to protect yourself from this kind of damage. A simple mouthguard like this one for $2.99 can take care of it. And that is decidedly cheaper than $10k for a teeth reconstruction.
Picture courtesy of Karen Roe.
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