The Full Bar – Does It Really Work?
The other day I saw an advertisement for a very interesting product, well, maybe I thought it was a bit weird more than interesting. It was a commercial for the “Full Bar” that comes with “weight loss surgery principles”. Now let’s examine that.
A Full Bar Instead Of Surgery?
What it supposedly does is make you want to eat less in I guess the same way gastric bypass surgery does. At least that’s what I understood from it. Hmm, I thought, a food bar with weight loss surgery principles? How does that work? This is what the product states:
- Half and hour before lunch or dinner, have a Full Bar product instead, with an 16 oz glass of water.
- Important! Pay attention and notice how full you feel.
- Eat a smaller meal and still feel full.
- Accelerate your success by visiting the Full Bar website ( I’m not sure how that’s supposed to accelerate your success).
If you like common sense as much as I do, then this product will not make any sense to you. I tried my best to understand as to why someone would buy this – it still didn’t make any sense. Then I thought, let me go buy one so I can really analyze it and look at the ingredients so-called ” Full Bar” and see what kind of magic beans they put in it, maybe then it could make more sense.
The Ingredients
The front label of the product does state that it’s 100% natural. Sounds great. Yet I still don’t know why someone would need it and how it compares with surgery, but let’s take a look on the back:
Ok, we have puffed wheat, brown rice syrup, brown sugar, peanuts, honey, soy protein concentrate, glycerine, Acacia gum, evaporated cane juice, Agave syrup, natural flavor, Canola oil, salt, soy lecithin. Before I give you my opinion on what I think about this, let’s analyze some of the ingredients to see how this product could possibly work:
Puffed Wheat – this will expand in your stomach and pretty much make you more full. Ok, you can just have some puffed brown rice instead which is going to be much healthier rather than just puffed wheat, since it’s not a ” Whole Wheat “.
Brown rice syrup, brown sugar, honey, evaporated cane juice, Agave syrup – wow, there is five different kind’s of sugar in it, and 2 of them are syrup. One thing I know about syrups is that they are not natural, they’re man-made, unless you know a syrup that grows on trees but I’ve never heard of that.
Glycerine – used as glue in food processing. Sure it can be natural, but so is tobacco, it doesn’t mean we should eat it or smoke it right? But just the sound of the word ” Glue ” in food does not sit well with me.
Just The Water, Ma’am!
Without going any further, I would like to suggest that if you want to eat less during your meal, no matter what you eat half and hour before with a 16 oz glass of water, it will make you less hungry. There is absolutely no need to eat this bar, especially if it’s FULL sugar and artificial ingredients that will only cause damage, and in the long run slow down your metabolism, because that’s what processed foods do. In conclusion, I think the ” Full Bar ” should be called ” Full of ( Bad Word ) Bar ” instead, and you should definitely skip it. Every time I see these strange diet products it really makes me think, what else are they going to come up with next? Maybe calorie free food?
If you want to eat smaller portions during your meal, then 30 minutes prior to your meal have an apple with 16 oz glass of water, and it will give you the exact same feeling of fullness.
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Full of Brown stuff bar.
Excellent article, I didn’t come across it… yet.
Thanx Inan,
Glad you liked it!