Will You Lose Fat When You Sweat?
Does sweating mean you are losing fat or do you have to be sweating to lose weight? Here are the answers!
Gonna Make You Sweat…
The connection between sweating and exercise seems so obvious. People exercise and sweat, and because exercise is what you do to lose weight, the logical conclusion is that sweating equals fat loss. Right?
Er, no. Sweat simply is your body’s cooling system. Its presence or absence says little about you losing fat:
…Gonna Make You Groove!
So when you sweat, you lose water weight, not fat weight. Which is what would count. If sweating was all it took to get the slim bodies of our dreams, we could just lie down at the pool and let our extra pounds melt away. Which they obviously don’t. Unfortunately.
But don’t be disheartened! Getting rid of extra fat is not overly complicated, if you understand how your body’s weight works.
But sweating is an indicator that you are getting some good exercise and working in the zone.
Sweat is a good thing when it happens, even if you aren’t sweating fat. It means you may be burning some fat off from your hard work at the very least.
That is of course, if you are working. lol
Sweating is passive so no calorie usage!
The sauna industry does not want anyone to know this, lol!
I did think that our fat burning was better when our exercise did make us sweat, however.