Free Workout Nutrition Plan For Beginners
Are you clueless about how many calories you should eat and where to get all your protein from? Then get this free workout nutrition plan that’ll cover your entire week!
Workout Nutrition Made Simple
The question I’m asked most often is “how long do I have to do this plan?”
The question I’m asked second most often is “can you put together a complete bodybuilding nutrition plan?”
After poring over many a recipe, examining what I eat myself and trying to put everything together in a simple, yet balanced picture, my answer finally is yes! And it’s my Christmas present for you:
Download Your Free Plan
You can get your plan in PDF format right here (right-click and choose “save link as”):
Your Free Workout Nutrition Plan
What Am I Doing Here?
If you ended up on my site by chance and are looking for a home workout schedule to go along with the meal plan, then these three get you started:
Questions? Comments?
If you have questions or comments about this nutrition plan, go ahead and ask them in the comments!
Picture courtesy of Liz West.
one of the best sources of body building information available.
You sir are a legend.
Thank you.
You make me blush! Thank you! 😀
Thanks for sharing such type of information, really it is very important to get essential nutrition and vitamins for our body building. According to the health experts, for the perfect nutrition we should include fresh fruits and vegetable and some dairy products like butter milk, butter and cheese in our daily diet routine because these are the main sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Really amazing and very explained.
I’m a 17 yo boy and i only weigh 46kg 🙁
I was going for runs in the morning but due to tutions i had to stop. I spend my entire day at school and by the time i get back it’s 4 and sometimes i am too tired to exercise.
I’m not really good at sports either. I play sometimes but not very frequently. I’m also not very tall, im 64 inches. I guess tht is because of my genes.
Any advice on wht to do…help!
Hey max,
is it possible for you to take your bike to get to school? That would be exercise too!
thank you EVILCYBER. you are such a blessing for us 🙂
You are very welcome! 🙂
I’m trying to lose about 90lbs. I’m currently doing the beachbody t25 program, but I’m still lost as to what I should really be eating. My goal is to slim down a lot, get as lean as I can and then start packing on as much lean muscle as possible. I want a lean ripped compact body. What’s your advice for a current obese 30 year old on what to eat?
Hey Nick, you can eat whatever you like. Seriously. It all comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn:
I like how you have the breakdown of everything but isn’t this an overload of carbs and sugars? Bread pop and hamburgers in a diet? this seems more like a bulking plan.
You can only “bulk” if you eat more calories than you burn. Carbohydrates (to whom sugar belongs) are the #1 fuel for demanding activities like weightlifting.
Thank you! This plan worked great for me!
Glad to hear it! 🙂
Hello, this is just the thing I needed, thank you! I have two questions:
1) What brand of soda should I drink? Just a standard coca cola?
2) Wednesday’s lunch, does a cheese pizza really have that much protein in it? :O
Any brand of soda will do. The differences in calories are small.
And yes about the pizza. The cheese is, after all, a dairy product.
Thank you sir! I must say on using this nutrition plan for a short while I feel a lot more energetic! I have had to substitute carrot juice for tomato juice, as my shop does not sell it. But otherwise all is well!
Excellent! 🙂
This has to be THE best workout website I have found,, very helpful and informative, You sir, definitely are a legend!
I’m a vegetarian, I don’t eat red meat or chicken. The closes I get to meat is fish. Will I still get the protein I need from the fish if I am not eating Red Meats or White meats?????? And would you happen to have a nutrition plan for Vegetarians???