How To Eat Like A Spec Op Warrior
How do Navy SEALs manage to stay fit in cold water for six hours? And how can Green Berets keep their energy up in blazing 113°F? Find out in their free 200+ page nutrition guide.
The Warrior Athlete
For a prospective US Navy SEAL, running 1.5 miles in boots under 9 minutes, 18 pull-ups and 90 push-ups in under two minutes is just the “maybe good enough” part. The real trouble starts in week 3 of training – “Hell Week.”
These are 5 1/2 days of continuous training, each lasting more than 20 hours, including 200 miles of running. Sleep? Yes, you get four hours. For the entire week.
Surviving this and all what is to come during their missions takes a very high level of fitness and the right nutrition.
For the latter, the different Commands of the Special Operation Forces (SOF) put together one excellent 200+ page book. And they give it away for free.
The Free Spec Op Nutrition Guide
I’m not sure I’ll ever have to make use of its portions dealing with “missions in water and at depth” or “unconventional warfare.” But this book has some of the most concise advice on eating for physical performance I have seen.
Among others, it covers the following topics:
- Maintaining energy balance
- Eating for high performance
- Balancing micronutrients
- Nutrient timing
- Healthy eating at home
- Making healthy choices at restaurants
- Picking the right snacks
- Bulking up
- Dietary supplements
- Sustaining health for the long run
All this without the fluff you get in many popular fitness and workout books you pay for. Probably because the SOF’s aim is to get people in top shape and not to make money.
Get Your Copy
If you want your free PDF copy, here is the link:
The Special Operation Forces Nutrition Guide (right-click and choose “Save link as…”)
Picture courtesy of the United States Navy.
I know a marine stationed in Okinawa! She has told me a lot about their brutal training! However, she has also told me a lot about all the diseases and medical problems they have, such as severe ulcers, etc. There is a serious other side to this glamour that the military wants to show us, and it ain’t so pretty!
Absolutely true. Pushing your body this far comes with a price. They are a bit like race cars tuned to maximum performance: the results are extraordinary, but the wear can be as well.