How To Raise Your Positive Feelings
Feeling down? Depression getting the better of you? How about some really simple tips to get you out of it and raise your positive feelings?
Negativity Gets You Down
Have you ever noticed if you experience negative thoughts, watch negatively influenced TV shows, or surround your self with people who always complain about everything, your energy levels go down?
This is not just your imagination. You see, when we feel positive, we are full of energy, feel healthier and happier and we are more open to positive things that match this vibration. When we feel negatively, we probably also invite more of that into our lives. Look at the picture of the happy above and tell me it didn’t at least give you an inner smile.
Today I am going to share with you different ways of how you can raise your levels of positivity. This will really help you to improve your overall quality of your life, your emotional state of being as well as your health. A positive state of being can make going through with other changes to your life much easier.
Have you watched the movie “Legally Blonde”? In it, the female lead says: “Exercise raises your endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t kill their husbands”.
And it’s true, exercise raises the level of endorphins in your body (PDF) and endorphins essentially are “feel good” hormones. You don’t even have to go crazy and exercise intensively every single day; even a little bit – such as a 15 minute walk – will create more endorphins in your system, making you a happier person.
Being In Nature
If you can combine exercise and nature, this is a double combination for raising your positivity. Nature itself charges us with energy, because we are part of it and we are connected to everything. Running on the beach, hiking, exercising in a park, all of these things are available to us for free. So try to get out in nature as much as you can, even if it’s just for those 15 minutes a day.
More Laughter
When we are laughing we feel a natural high and you are not just imagining it. Laughter too plays on the keyboard of your hormones and reduces those of them that cause feeling stress. If you’ve ever laughed in your life, and I hope you did, I am sure you know what I am talking about. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, read funny stories or watch funny movies. The more we laugh, the better we feel and the happier and positive we become. I believe our goal in life is keep ourselves positive as much as we can.
Be Creative
Anyone can be creative, absolutely anyone. Creativity is an outlet for stress, if you can release stress out of your system, you will naturally be more positive. Every person in this world has some kind of talent, find yours, and try to do as much of that as possible. Creativity brings joy to your heart and the best thing about it is that it’s not limited to one specific thing.
I’ve already talked about this in my article ” How To Manage Stress “. Now, don’t think of meditation as only sitting in a lotus pose and shutting out your thoughts. Meditation is different for everyone, and every person has to find a way that works for them. It can be just listening to relaxing music while laying down – it doesn’t have to be complicated. But it will help you to calm your mind, bring more focus into your life, which in turn will help you to be more positive and have a more peaceful outlook on life.
Small Improvements, Big Outcome
All of these small methods I use daily in my personal life. Working on staying positive at all times, had tremendously changed the quality of my life as well as my energy levels. Right now, even on the days when I don’t get as much sleep, I still feel energized and happy to take on my day. When we change our own personal world for the better, we affect others in our lives, creating a better world to live in for everyone.
Picture courtesy of Tim & Selena Middleton.
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